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Our Classes
Chakra chatter 102: Charge and the Energy Body
with Henny Nouwen

This course is based on the book Charge and the Energy Body by Anodea Judith.
This class will continue to explore and deepen your level of self-understanding and responsibility for charging and discharging of your vital force. It will help you to understand your own workings, the forces that propel those you love and how to stabilize and harmonize the energies within you and beyond you. It will awaken you to higher dimensions of self-expression, self-healing and creativity. There is no prerequisite for this class. If you have taken 101 it will enhance your exploration and deepening your understanding of the chakras and their functions.
Learn conductivity and healing exercises to transform emotionally reactive habit patterns to responsive action, thereby freeing you from limitations of self-expression. Guided experiential exercises will be used, including meditation, breath and yoga to enhance the functions of body/emotion/mind & breath, which will lead you to a better understanding of yourself in relationship to your Life, Love & Light.
Instructor: Henny Nouwen, RN, LMT
Henny started learning about and experimenting with the unseen realms of energy awareness, auras, chakras, energy medicine, bodywork as well as metaphysics and mysticism in the 80’s. She has been in private practice for 32 years using healing touch, intuition, insight and wisdom as an Integrative Healer.
Henny brings with her 18 years as a cardiovascular circulating nurse in open heart surgery as well as having been an ordained minister in metaphysical teachings for nine years. Over 40 years Henny has taught a multitude of classes on the mind/body connections, death, grief & loss, energy awareness and healing. Henny is driven to share her knowledge of how true healing happens in the recognition of the greater reality that sources our energetic being and teach you how to get in touch with it.
Five Good Movies: Lawyers in Trouble
with Mark Lundsten

Each of these films presents a unique and detailed perspective on a common theme - justice is difficult. We will spend each of the first five classes watching and briefly discussing a single movie, with our sixth class a review of all five: To Kill A Mockingbird (1962), The Verdict (1982), Michael Clayton (2007), Twelve Angry Men (1957), and Rashomon (1950).
- The first three classes will run an extra half hour, from 4pm - 630pm, to allow for a short introduction, a full, uninterrupted screening, and a brief discussion afterward.
- The last three classes will follow ASC’s regular schedule, 4pm - 6pm.
Instructor: Mark Lundsten
Mark made his first movie during his career as a commercial halibut fisherman in Alaska, a documentary about avoiding seabird bycatch, and after retiring from fishing, made a few more. His film “The Bath” played in many film festivals and garnered a number of awards. For a number of years, Mark curated and conducted the Second Sunday Film Series in Anacortes.
Memoir Writing
with Teru Lundsten

Writing about your life can seem like a daunting task. Where to begin? This class will prime the pump, with weekly writing assignments (about 750 words) presented in themes, plus writing tips. Sharing your stories confidentially with others in class will inspire you even more. You'll come to see your life through a different lens and leave a legacy for your family.
Instructor: Teru Lundsten (Class size limited to 10 students)
Teru has been teaching memoir writing in Skagit County since 2010. She worked as a personal historian, helping people preserve their life stories into books for their families. As a journalist she wrote over 200 profiles of people of all ages and from around the world. She has completed a memoir of her early years.
Volcano: In Your Backyard
with Eugene Kiver, Ph.D., R.G.

Explore the world of volcanoes and their potential effects on surrounding regions, particularly those in the Cascade Range. There are at least 12 active volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest whose eruptive histories, and their effects on the surrounding areas will be described.
Why and where do volcanoes form? How are they monitored to protect those of us who live in the shadow of these ticking time bombs? Which ones are next?
Instructor: Professor Emeritus Gene Kiver
Gene Kiver graduated from Case-Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and later from the University of Wyoming in Laramie where he received his Doctorate in Geology. He taught Geology for 34 years at Eastern Washington University in Cheney and conducted an active research career that emphasized landforms and surface processes. Glacial geology of the western United States, geothermal ice caves on Mts. Rainier and Baker, national park geology, speleology, and the Missoula Floods are his main professional interests. Research and volunteer activity with the Ice Age Floods Institute continues today. He has co-authored two recent books, “On the Trail of The Ice Age Floods” and “Washington Rocks!”. “Washington Rocks!” is written for the non-geologist interested in learning about amazing geologic sites in the State of Washington.
Android Smartphones and Tablets
with Norm Samuelson

If you are new to smartphones, or thinking of taking the plunge, this class may be for you. We will look at Android devices (Smartphones and Tablets). We will talk about the Android operating system, and how it varies from one device to the next. We will discuss the most important apps, as well as some that are just useful or fun. In addition, we will talk about backing up the information on your phone.
Instructor: Norm Samuelson
Norm retired from a career as a computer scientist. He has developed an interest in smartphones and tablets, and loves to help people get comfortable with, and make better use of those devices.
DNA and Genealogy: A Workshop
with Dick Tolman

Basic genealogical research principles will be described. Genealogical rules will be presented, and help will be provided to know what to believe and what deserves skepticism. The principles and methods for genealogical research with DNA will also be discussed by the instructor. If you are serious about genealogy, you must have your DNA sequenced. The rules have recently changed—you must have your DNA sequenced at Ancestry (they no longer allow DNA sequence uploads from other vendors). This is a workshop—identify problems in your ancestry to work on. Bring a basic (paper) pedigree—4 to 6 generations with as much data as possible on birth, death, and marriages.
Instructor: Dick Tolman (Class size limited to 12 students)
R. L. Tolman is a twice-retired medicinal scientist (Ph.D., University of Utah in bio-organic chemistry--specialty DNA) with a consuming interest in history and genealogy; an experienced teacher, lecturer, and writer (120 refereed scientific publications). He won the National Genealogical Society’s Best Family History Competition in 2006 and has published articles in The Register (New England Historic Genealogical Society), Crossroads (Utah Genealogical Society) and Nevada in the West (Nevada Historical Society). He has been a volunteer at the Nevada Historical Society, a Family History instructor at Truckee Meadows Community College/Reno and at the Anacortes (WA) Senior College. He maintains the website, a site for sourced genealogical essays. He is a pro bono genealogical researcher and prefers to work on impossible problems and those that have been published in error.
Peace 101: Know Yourself
with Bev Johnson

This course is an innovative series of 10 theme-based sessions providing participants the opportunity to discover and connect with their own understanding of personal peace. It is non-political and non-religious.
At some point in human history people began to realize that there is a level of consciousness beyond the thinking necessary for day-to-day survival. Think of those famous words ascribed to the Greek philosopher Socrates, “Know thyself.” The same phrase was also said to be written in stone at the Temple of Apollo in Delphi. Some historians believe those words were adopted by the Greeks from the Ancient Egyptians. The inner temple at Luxor was reputed to have an inscription saying, “Man, know thyself, and you are going to know the gods.” The point is that the phrase is not “know your history,” “know your culture,” or “know your society.” It is precisely: “know yourself.”
Rather than teaching what each theme is, the instructors act as facilitators so that participants can come to their own understanding. Each class session consists of a combination of video excerpts from best-selling author and peace educator Prem Rawat’s international talks, along with facilitated time for individual reflection and group discussion. Topics covered include inner strength, self-awareness, dignity, clarity, and others, with the goal of learning about one’s self. The program has been well received in universities, senior centers, and various adult education settings. It is offered in over 80 countries and in 40 languages around the world.
Informative Links: Peace Education Program Course Content Preview:
Peace Education Program at Technical University of Denmark:
Course Content is Research-Based:
Instructor: Bev Johnson
Bev is a life-long educator with 30+ years of experience in public schools as a teacher and school psychologist. She holds a master’s degree (M.Ed.) in education from Eastern Washington University and an education specialist degree (Ed.S.) in school psychology from Seattle University. Currently retired, Bev enjoys giving back by volunteering with the Anacortes Schools Foundation and The Prem Rawat Foundation. She is excited about offering Peace 101: Know Yourself, a course she believes can benefit everyone. Bev resides in Anacortes with her husband, Richard and their beloved tabby.
Instructor: Becky Resnick
Becky finished her master’s degree in social work from the University of Washington in 2002 and has been working primarily in geriatrics and palliative/hospice care. She has been a volunteer with The Prem Rawat Foundation, facilitating this course around the Seattle area and during her time living in Rwanda between 2018-2020. When not working she enjoys traveling with her dog Billie in their 1986 VW camper van.
The Basics of Chemistry / Understanding Amazing Atomic and Molecular Behavior
with Michaela Bertch

This course will cover the very basics of chemistry necessary to appreciate the nature of atoms and molecules in the world. We will begin with a review of the elements and their behavior, what makes an atom react with other atoms to form molecules and what is a salt and how do they behave. We will move on to simple molecules like water and explain its unique properties such as its ability to dissolve so many salts and yet it does not dissolve fats. Solution chemistry, chemical reactions, energy of chemical reactions and nuclear reactions, the importance of pH, and a variety of chemical topics suggested by the students in the class will be the topics of discussion.
Answers to the following questions will be explained… why does ice float?, why do fireworks produce different colors?, why are sunrises and sunsets so colorful?, why do salts form?, how does rust happen?, why does salt on the road prevent freezing in the winter?, how can we produce more product in a chemical reaction?, how do buffer systems work in carbonated sodas or other foods? In our bodies?, what is an antioxidant?, how does soap work?
With just enough chemistry you will be able to understand so much more of what we experience daily from a chemical perspective in a fun way!
Instructor: Michaela Bertch
Michaela received her B.A. in Chemistry from Goucher College and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a thesis in Biophysics from the University of Connecticut Health Center. She has taught Chemistry and Biochemistry at the college level and Chemistry, AP Chemistry Algebra and Physics at the high school level. Her passion is to teach in a way that helps students master information while enjoying the experience. Teaching at Anacortes Senior College is an opportunity to continue to help others understand a challenging subject which helps to explain the world around us.